Studying in college is the most important part of a scholar’s existence. College training is of extensive importance as it provides the professional opportunities that students are involved in. A bachelor’s diploma is required for most authority and personal quarter jobs except for taking part in aggressive assessments like KAS and IAS. As such, colleges act as launching pads where college students set their profession in movement. Having this idealized vision, students be a part of colleges to give wings to their goals; however, their flight is brief-lived as
They quickly realize that the gadget is a spoilsport. One of the standards in NAAC is Student Support and Progression, which evaluates the efforts of a group to provide vital help to college students, permit them to collect significant experiences for studying at the campus, and facilitate their holistic development and development. Almost all our schools scored poorly on this very critical aspect, making our system a crippled one. Recent NAAC accreditation of numerous diploma schools additionally endures witness to this reality as many of our colleges ended up getting a C grade.
We want a method to ensure that we enhance our tutorial standard to compete nationally and internationally. Our colleges should include paintings as facilitation centers where students can employ their abilities, potential, and skills. After reading our college training, I feel our students have sufficient knowledge to excel in their respective fields. Our lecture rooms are not appealing.
The world has changed greatly in the last hundred years, as have college students’ needs, attitudes, flair, and designs. Unfortunately, our classrooms have witnessed the handiest trade, from blackboard to whiteboard. Whiteboard alone isn’t always sufficient in this period of generation and net. However, it must be supplicated via contemporary devices like holograms, smart tables, android boards, etc. To cater to the desires of a current student. Traditional attendance systems that are losing 10-15 minutes in the schoolroom must be replaced by biometric devices. The content material being taught in schools is obsolete and old.
Education needs to replicate the moral and intellectual values of society. It should be related to the desires and goals of the scholars, which means it must be related to life. The instructional and professional publications must be extra useful and diversified to meet college students’ desires. After the advent of the semester machine in 2015 through Kashmir University, we have an exam-dominated system, and people who are precise in regurgitating facts are doing itt properly. Given the geographic and political situations that triumph in this part of the world, the scope for nurturing expertise and potential remains a distant dream.
In 2016, Kashmir University determined to take away the marks connected with students’ attendance in a study room, which ended in the exceptional upward thrust of the unexcused absence of college students in faculties at undergraduate degrees. This step from varsity will no longer help the students as it has allowed them to bunk their training as and once they want. Students who spend most of their time outside the school rooms are not likely to reach lecturers. It is almost impossible for the instructor and class to develop their talents and skills if a wide variety of college students are absent.