However, the truth is not constrained to those on my own. On Friday, September thirteen, employers nationwide will attend the Career Center’s Accounting Career Fair to help college students and alums read accounting or search for accounting positions. The Accounting Career Fair allows Redbirds to connect to employers to study their open positions, including full-time employment or internship reports. The Career Center encourages all accounting college students to attend.
Career festivals are a high-quality possibility for students to discover accounting businesses, whether beginners or seniors,” said Assistant Director for Employer Relations Andee Radliff. “When attending a professional fair, college students can speak with employers face to face to study their organizations, discover required professional competencies and stories they seek, and begin making connections with experts in their subject earlier than they may be attempting to find jobs.
Fair Training
To assist college students in preparing for the Accounting Career Fair, the Career Center is website hosting the career preparation session InstaCareer on September 4 from 4–to 7 p.m. Inside the Bone Student Center. Participants will rotate via numerous stations to learn how to introduce themselves to employers, make an excellent first influence, dress appropriately, and investigate and comply with employers after professional activities. Redbirds can also put together for the truth by setting up an appointment with Career Advisor Mark Fauble. I meet with several college students before the Accounting Career Fair to help them.
“Many of them are also concerned about speakme to employers. I can provide them with brief guidelines for putting together each bodily and mental occasion. After honesty, many college students who have been able to get an interview come back to the Career Center to get recommendations on how to prepare for it as eir resume,” Fauble stated.
If your agenda doesn’t permit you to meet Fauble indiindividuaindividuallyet help at some point during the Center’s drop-in hours and Latelatlate-night resumes. Other pointers that help students and alums succeed at festivals include growing a profile in Hire-A-Redbird, the Career Center’s online activity emptiness tool. An entire list of employers attending the fair is in Hire-A-Redbird.
Students can also get admission to the list by downloading the Symplicity Jobs and Careers app without cost from the App Store or Google Play. Both tools allow Redbirds to apply for many positions before the fair even begins. Attendees also need to use the listing to research employers and show their expertise in the agencies they may be interested in. The Career Center gives extra truthful practice hints on the Accounting Career Fair website.